Wednesday, January 28, 2009

30 jan 2009

Norway has won more Winter Games gold medals than any other country.

 For each person in Australia there are over 16 rabbits, which were introduced in 1859 by one enterprising man who brought 24 wild rabbits from England in an effort to remind him of home. 

29th jan 2009

A dog's ability to smell can be about 10 million times better than human's.

"Canada" is an Indian word meaning "Big Village".

New Zealand and Australia are the only countries south of the equator to win medals at the Olympic Winter Games.

28 dec 2009

Hawaii is the only US state that grows coffee.

Ten percent of Australians are classified as ockers. An ocker is a person that consumes about 80 percent of all of the beer drank in Australia.

27th jan 2009

In 1911 a dog was killed by a meteor at Nakhla, Egypt. This unlucky dog is the only creature known to have been killed by a meteor?

The box jelly fish is considered the most venomous marine creature in the world. It has killed more people in Australia that stonefish, sharks and crocodiles combined.

L. Sivaramakrishnan of India is the cricket player with the longest surname.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

fact for 26 jan 2009

Australia has atleast 8-10 species of marsupial.

You are not allowed to eat ice cream while standing on the sidewalk in Carmel.

fact for 25 dec 2008

Kultarrs are one of the most smallest marsupials in Australia . They measure 8-11 cm.

A year on Mars is almost twice as long as on Earth.

The King Cobra, found in India is the largest venomous snake in the world. In a single bite it can inject enough venom to kill an elephant.

Friday, January 23, 2009

fact for 24 dec 2008

 A brolga is an Australian crane, also known as "Native Companions".Brolgas are most famous for their elegant, graceful mating dance. A couple will spread their large wings whilst facing each other and jump, dance and shake their heads!! At the same time they will often make loud trumpeting calls. There is an Aboriginal legend that says girls who do too much dancing and not enough working, are changed into brolgas. (Since brolgas are like to dance a lot!)

A spider has transparent blood.

fact for 23 dec 2008

Frilled lizards inhabit Northern Australia. They have a frill folded up around their neck, and when they are startled, it spreads out and makes the lizard look twice as big as it normally is. Then the lizard makes hissing noises and shows its teeth.

Of all planets, only Mercury and Venus do not have any moons.

fact for 22 jan 2008

Of all the thousands of Australian spiders, only two have bites which alone are capable of causing death: the funnel-web spider and the red-back spider.

Antarctica is one of the best place in the world to find meteorites. Dark meteorites show in the snow and dont get covered by vegetation.

Kala Hiran also called Indian Black Buck Antelope (Antelope cervicapra L.) is an exclusively Indian animal, which is perhaps the most graceful and beautiful of its kind. 

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

fact for 20 jan 2009

The Australian Pelican (Pelecanus conspicillatus) is found all around Australia and is the biggest of the 8 species of Pelicans found worldwide.

Mexico is the only country using silver in it's coins.

fact for 21 jan 2009

The Taj Mahal was in the 1830's scheduled to be torn down.

Asia consumes over 19 million barrels of oil daily.

It is not a native animal to Australia, and it is unsure how it arrived on our land, but the current theories are:
* Dingos were brought to Australia 15,000 years ago by Koori people.
* Dingos may be related to wild dogs in South East Asia, and taken to Australia for trade by sea-farers.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

fact for 19 jan 2008

Indian langurs are lanky, long-tailed monkeys, having bushy eyebrows and a chin tuft. They have a black face and their body color ranges from gray to dark brown to golden.

Quokkas resemble a small wallaby, with small rounded ears, and brown or greyish fur. These animals breed year round, and have a gestation period of 4 months before a new joey is born. The joey lives in its mother's pouch for the first 25 weeks of its life. After leaving the pouch, the joey continues to suckle at its mother's teets for a further 10 weeks.

Lightning strikes the earth about 6000 times each minute.

fact for 18 dec 2008

There are 4 main types of "Kangaroo like" animal -Red Kangaroo,Grey kangaroo,Wallaby,Wallaroo.
These are all mammals, and are termed marsupials because they keep their young in a pouch They are the only vertrabrate animal over 5 kg to HOP .

Garlic can be effective as a mosquito repellent.

Indian Snow Leopard-Snow leopard is a native animal of mountain ranges of central and southern Asia, including India. It is also known as Ounce and has a scientific name of "Panthera uncia". Snow leopards can live for a maximum of 18 years in then wild.

fact for 17 dec 2008.

Quolls are furry animals the size of catsAustralia has four species of Quoll (Aboriginal for tiger cat)
- Northern,
- Western, 
- Eastern
- Spotted Tailed.
The spotted-tailed quoll is the worlds second largest carnivorous (meat eating) marsupial (The Tasmanian Devil is the largest) The Spotted Tailed Quoll is sometimes referred to as a Tiger Quoll, or a Tiger cat .

There are sweeteners that are about 200000 times sweeter than sugar.

fact for 16 dec 2009

There are 160 words for camel in Arabic.

The male Australian Fur Seal (with massive necks and shoulders and powerful canine teeth) weighs up to 360 kgs and is approximately 2 metres long. They are dark greyish to brown with a paler underside, and a dark mane of coarse hair over the neck and shoulders The lifespan of an Australian Fur Seal male is roughly 19 years .

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Australian Silky Terriors can risk their life to save their owner.

Fossils of sea creatures have been found at Mount Everest!
Tomato juice takes away the smell of skunk.

 The lyrebird (oz) is one of the largest perching bird and got its name from the lyre, a musical instrument.

One of the smallest indian birds is the Pale- billed flower pecker scarcely bigger than a normal thumb.

Monday, January 12, 2009

fact for 13 dec 2008

ABBA got the name from the first letter of each group member's name, Agnetha, Benny, Bjorn, Anni-frid?

A platypus (oz) has a wooly coat.The wooly furred coat actually has three different layers. The first layer keeps the animal warm, by trapping air, the second layer which provides an insulating coat for the animal, and lastly the third layer of long flat hairs to detect objects close by.

fact of 12 dec 2008

Australian Huntsman spiders can measure up to 15 cm!(yeeks!)

Madonna kissed Britney Spears in 2003.

fact for 11 dec 2008

It was an Australian meteorologist who first began to give tropical storms women's names at the end of the 19th century.

32 species of sharks have ever attacked people.

Since pop was once banned in India-The song "Tirchi Topiwale" became so popular that the police were instructed to fine 50 rupees to anyone caught singing it!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Australia is the lowest continent in the world with an average of only 330 metres.

Sound travels five times faster under water than in air

Thursday, January 8, 2009

In Hindi, the word for English is Angrazi.

Bulls are colorblind. It is not the color of the cape(bullfighting) which angers them it is the motion.

The highest point in Oz is Mawson Peak on Heard Island at 2,754 m.

fact for 8 dec 2008

More money is spent on gardening than on any other hobby.

The tallest tower in Oz is at Tower Zero at Exmouth - 387 metres tall.

fact for 7 dec 2008

Taj Mahal in India is a gift of love.

There is 10 times more iron in Camel's milk than cow's milk.

The largest desert in Australia is the Great Victorian Desert, measuring a huge 348,750 square km, and found near Western Australia and Southern Australia.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

fact for 6 jan 2008

The fish called climbing perch can live out of water for about two days.

There are 80 species of a very dangerous animal called the cone shell in australia.

fact for 5 jan 2008

The number of mobile users of India grow every month with about 2.5 million people.

The Red Sea is the warmest sea in the world.

Rats cannot burp.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

There is no word for "weather" in the Hawaiian language, probably because the weather is so good most of the time.

The fingerprints of koala bears and humans are so similar that they could be confused at a crime scene.
India used sugar before any other country.

The Koala's closest living relative is the wombat.

Peanuts grow underground.

Friday, January 2, 2009

The Internet was originally called ARPANet.

A kangaroo is a macropod which means "Big Foot".

fact for the first of 2009

The number of births that occur in India each year is higher than the entire population of Australia?

Cranberries has long been considered an effective method of fighting tooth decay.