Wednesday, December 31, 2008

fact for new years eve 2008

Goliath frog is the largest frog in the world.

The oldest skeleton to ever be found in Australia was believed to be 60,000 years old. It was that of an Aboriginal male, traces of ochre (a ceremonial paint used by Aboriginals) were also found.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The biggest ant in India is about an inch.

Planet earth is not round!

Blue ringed octopus (ozzie animal) can kill a person if touched!

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Chook is the Ozzie word for chicken, rooster or hen.

The Egyptians thought it was good luck to enter a house left foot first.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

fact for 28 dec 2008

Curry powder gets its yellow color from a spice, turmeric.

Brazil has the biggest eucalyptus plantations in the world.

A box jellyfish (oz animal) can kill a person in less than a minute.

Friday, December 26, 2008

fact for 27 dec 2008

The average Australian consumes eight beef cattle and 90 sheep in their lifetime.

Maddona is the number one most popular female solo artist in the world.

fact for 25 dec 2008

Jellyfish kill more people than the great White Shark.

Fiddler Rays, found in Australia, are half shark/ half ray. Their body is of a ray, where as they have a tail of a shark. Because of their shark tails, they can't sting you! Their fiddle like shape gives them their name.

26 dec 2008

India has health laughing clubs where people get together and laugh.

Australian Leafy Sea Dragons can move their eyes id different directions.

The oldest recorded age for a cat is 34 years.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

fact for 24 dec 2008

The worlds smallest violin is only 37 millimetres long and is small enough to fit in a box of matches.

The first bathroom is said to have been built in India about 4500 years ago.

When a joey (baby kangaroo) is born it is the size of a bean.

fact for 23 dec 2008

Lonely Planet is based in Melbourne, Australia.

Beethoven dipped his head in cold water before he composed

Sunday, December 21, 2008

fact for 22 dec 2008

India used sugar before any other country.

Australia has the biggest number of wild one humped camels in the world.

There are 370 known species of sharks,

Saturday, December 20, 2008

fact for 21 dec 2008

It was an Australian meteorologist who first began to give tropical storms women's names at the end of the 19th century.

Flies jump backwards when they take off.

Friday, December 19, 2008

fact for 20 dec 2008

Calcutta is the only place in the world where you still can travel by riksha pulled by humans.

Australia has more than 1500 species of spiders.

The skin from a shark could be used as sandpaper.

fact for 19 dec 2008

The Great barrier Reef is the largest organic construction on the earth!

Swiss people eat more chocolate than any other person in the world.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

fact for 18 dec 2008

A billabong is the Australian term for a stagnant body of backwater attached to a river or a stream.

The longest station name on the Indian Railways is Venkatanarasimharajuvariapeta.

The smallest reptile in the world is the Caribbean islands 16-millimeter lizard

fact for 17 dec 2008

The first time South Africa beat Australia in a cricket game was in Adelaide in 1910-1911.

Rats cannot burp.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

fact for 16 dec 2008

In India nearly 1200 species of birds can be found.

In Australia light bulbs are called globes.

The age of a fish can be determined by reading rings on bones in the fish's head.

Monday, December 15, 2008

fact for 15 dec 2008

QANTAS stands for Queensland and Northern Territories Airline Service.

The green sea turtle does not have a green shell.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

fact for 14 dec 2008

There are over 1500 software companies in Bangalore, India.

Australia use to have stamps that actually look like gems.

Hawaii got snow at top of Mauna Loa mountains during winter.

Friday, December 12, 2008

fact for 12 dec 2008

India buys more gold than any other country.

In Australia a banana bender means that a person comes from Queensland!

The Arabic word for mosque is Jami.

fact for 13 dec 2008

Ayers Rock means meeting place in the Aboriginal language.

All known mammals have tounges.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

fact for 11 dec 2008

The biggest pure-gold nugget was found in Australia in 1869 and weighed 156 pounds.

Fire Ants can kill a sensitive person.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

facts for 10 dec 2008

There where no plastic bags in India before 1985.

There are 6000 species of flies in Australia.

Cats spend about 70% of a day sleeping.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

fact for 9 dec 2008

There are 2 types of Seadragons found in Australian Waters- The Weedy (Common) Seadragon and the Leafy Seadragon .Sea dragons are not sea horses. Sea dragons are found in Australian waters and belong to the same family as sea horses but differ in 3 main ways - looks, they have "appendages" from their body which look like ether weeds or leafs (hence the two types) , they have no pouch for rearing the young , their tail does not coil up or grab things. Seadragons swim by the same method as seahorses, that is by the rapid movement of their ventral and dorsal fins (on their neck and back)

Dinosaurs survived for nearly 150 million years, which is 75 times longer than humans have now lived on Earth.

Monday, December 8, 2008

fact for 8th dec 2008

The worlds largest Jarrah Tree is located in Armadale, WA, Australia.

The only country in the world that has a Bill of Rights for Cows is India.

In 1894 the first big Coke sign was found on the side of a building located in Cartersville, Georgia, and still exists today .

Sunday, December 7, 2008

fact for 7 dec 2008

Australia has long been known as the lucky country. This is not surprising when you learn it is the world's largest iron ore exporter and largest producer of bauxite and alumina. Australia also has the world's largest deposits of silver, zinc, zircon and easily extracted uranium (over 40% of world resources). It also has about 10 percent of the world's gold resources.

More people are killed by donkeys annually than are killed in plane crashes.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

fact for 6 dec 2008

Cheroot, a variety of cigar actually gets its name from a Tamil word. In olden days, tobacco was rolled up on leaves or a piece of paper and smoke which was originally called “Surruttu”. Surruttu means “Rolled up”.

Native Cats are a type of small furry animal that lives in the forests of Australia and Tasmania.

Santa Claus stands for Saint Nicholas. Santa's image originally came from a Coca Cola advertisement of St.Nicholas ! The red suit was from Coca Colas colour. Later the image became that Santa or St. Nicholas gave toys just to good kids on christmas day. But what a fact, that the jolly man who celebrates Birth of Christ, originally came from Coca Cola! Now one question remains, is he real?

Friday, December 5, 2008

fact for 5 dec 2008

The Numbat's (australian animal)scientific name, myrmecobiusfasciatus, means "striped feeder-on-ants.

The Basenji dog is the only dog that is not able to bark .

Thursday, December 4, 2008

fact for 4 dec 2008

Australia has around 2.5 million cows.

Malayalam(indian language) is the only spoken language in the world whose name when spelt in English is a palindrome.

The deepest mine in the world is the East Rand mine, which goes to a depth of about 3,585 metres .

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

fact for 3 dec 2008

The Australian furseal is a superb swimmer, and can dive to approax 150 metres searching for fish and squid, and is highly gregarious. (fond of company)

America still issues 1 cent coins.

fact for 2 dec 2008

The word Pariah comes from the name of a drummer community called ‘Paraiyan’ in the backward parts of Tamil Nadu and Kerala. The word Paraiyan comes from the word ‘Parai’ meaning drum. ‘Paraiyan’ also means to say. In olden days important messages were sent through a man with a drum. The drum was to attract attention so he could deliver the message to the public. Hence drumming and communication came to be associated together.

Yabbies, are a type of inland freshwater crayfish found in Australia. They are a crustacean Scientific name is "Cherax destructor" .

Some snails live on branches in trees

Monday, December 1, 2008

fact for 1 dec 2008

Bogong is an Australian Aboriginal name for Moth and the Bogong Moths scientific name is "Agrotis infusa".

Roosters cannot crow if they cannot extend their necks.